I just love the look of hedges in all different forms. As you can see in these photographs there are many ways to use hedging and create your own personal secret garden. The Chateau in France really just plays a supporting role in the drama of this garden. Just gorgeous. I love the purple rhododendrons, their flowers are magical to me. While spring and summer have flowers blooming, hedging takes center stage in the winter and fall and still make our gardens look beautiful. After my trip to South Carolina all the gardens had some form of hedging, large and small being used as a backdrop or dividing space. When driving in England and Ireland many of the roads are lined with large hedging which looks gorgeous and hides anything unsightly. If you can see over a hedge it is a "social" hedge and if it is above head height it is a "privacy" hedge. I thought the living woven willow hedge was very unique. I would think you would need a bit of patience doing this but how unique!