Yes it is hard to believe we are entering the eighth month of 2011 on Monday. Soon the children will be back to school and we will fall into our regular routines, whatever they may be. I'm just giving you all a heads up that the holidays will be upon us sooner than you think. Just look how fast the year has gone to date already? So with that in mind I want you to make sure you have all that you will need to do some holiday entertaining and decorating. If you are thinking of re-doing some Thanksgiving/Christmas decorations, the selection is at it's best right now at the wholesale level. So give me a call to discuss any holiday decorating changes you think you might like to make. We make a date and head to the Design Center for a day of fun and excitment!
Okay now back to fall.... let's start to build a beautiful tablescape for autumn. We will start off with linens. There is an endless amount of ways to go but I like the feel of wine country as the autumn is the most beautiful time to be in places like Napa Valley and Sonoma as the crush is going on. We lived in California and were in wine country several times a month for several years and every month has it's own beauty but the way the vines look, the smell of grapes and the color makes autumn the best time for me. So look at some of the linen photo's and let's start there. Williams-Sonoma, Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel, Macy's have their fall merchandise in so go while the pickins are good and you can get the quantities you need.