With a quarter of a million dollars, you could buy a lot of things.
You could purchase a home, a super-fancy car or a college education for your kids. Or, if you're feeling a little more adventurous, you could always go on a shopping spree at Hammacher Schlemmer and buy that submarine shaped like a killer whale that you've always wanted.
But if you already have all these things and just can't imagine what you're going to do with that $250,000 in loose change you have lying around, then this uber-splurge item might just be for you.
Jewelry couturier Azature -- the self-described "Black Diamond King" -- is now producing a one-of-a-kind bottle of diamond-infused nail polish, Fashionista reports.
Containing 267 carats of black diamonds, this luxe lacquer will set buyers back a quarter of a million dollars.
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The Hollywood-based Azature, whose jewelry has adorned stars such as Rihanna and Beyonce, has called the black diamond the "ultimate fine jewel."
Or you could purchase the glitter nail polish that is sold everywhere and don't sweat it when a nail breaks!!!
You could purchase a home, a super-fancy car or a college education for your kids. Or, if you're feeling a little more adventurous, you could always go on a shopping spree at Hammacher Schlemmer and buy that submarine shaped like a killer whale that you've always wanted.
But if you already have all these things and just can't imagine what you're going to do with that $250,000 in loose change you have lying around, then this uber-splurge item might just be for you.
Jewelry couturier Azature -- the self-described "Black Diamond King" -- is now producing a one-of-a-kind bottle of diamond-infused nail polish, Fashionista reports.
Containing 267 carats of black diamonds, this luxe lacquer will set buyers back a quarter of a million dollars.
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The Hollywood-based Azature, whose jewelry has adorned stars such as Rihanna and Beyonce, has called the black diamond the "ultimate fine jewel."
Or you could purchase the glitter nail polish that is sold everywhere and don't sweat it when a nail breaks!!!